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Degeneres' rising political voice turns to Kern
Programming Note: We're told that on today's episode of "The Ellen Degeneres Show," the titular host plays the notorious Sally Kern audio and then attempts to personally call the Oklahoma State Rep. herself. It hasn't aired here in NY (not until 4PM), but we promise to get you audio/video ASAP.
We don't know what's gotten into the suddenly-more-outpoken Ellen, but we're totally digging it!
**UPDATE: Here's the video.
*Earlier: Video: Queer politics get non-Rosie daytime mention [G-A-Y]
Video: Hill gets gay with Ell
Is Ellen dancing less around her gayness?
Your thoughts
Ooh I'm so happy I DVR'd it. Can't wait to watch tonight!!!
In a way I'm glad she did that. Although she was probably very serious in tone I wonder if putting a humorous spin on Kern's comments will help make people realize how crazy the situation is? or will it make it seem trivial?
Posted by: Ron | Mar 12, 2008 3:04:57 PM
Well Ron, this writer would certainly say that dealing with these sorts of situations with irreverence is incredibly powerful. There's something to be said for looking nastiness in the eye and laughing in its face!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 12, 2008 3:09:31 PM
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