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The photo op looks nice, but is the truth less impressive?
In order to lend legitimacy to the efforts of Massachusetts parent David Parker to have pro-acceptance children's books removed from public schools, the not-so-gay-friendly folks at MassResistance are today running this picture and text:
But look at the postcards the Parkers are holding. They are all from the same place (presumably Coral Ridge Ministries). So it's not like 9,000 people from different ideological viewpoints and walks of life were spurred to write the Parkers. Instead, it's looks like 9,000 people were inspired to fill out a web form on a certain site (again, presumably Coral Ridge). And there's no guarantee that all 9,000 were even in support of the Parkers, with some likely to be in opposition. As someone who has filled out numerous web forms against an anti-gay campaign and then turned around and thanked for my "support," this writer can't imagine that there aren't a few pro-gay voices of dissension with those stacks.
This is admittedly kind of nitpicky. However, we do think it's important to note every trumped up instance os success that these kids put forth. If it were 9,000 from the heart letters that arose from an organic desire within citizens of varying faiths and ideals, then we'd consider that to be a little more indicative of where the nation stands on the Parker case. But if it's simply one large choir of like-minded folks responding to a call to action (with some dissenters likely thrown in), then it's merely an example of our opposition's ability to rally. And that ability was never really in dispute.
David Parker receives over 9.000 letters of support from across America! [MR]
Your thoughts
To be EVEN MORE nit-picky...
9.000 is nine, not nine thousand. You can put as many zeros after the decimal point as you like but it's still nine.
I know they meant to say nine thousand, but their original picture said that they received nine letters. That I would believe.
I checked their site and they've fixed it now.
Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Mar 10, 2008 1:54:19 PM
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