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Video: There's nothing witty to say about this one

by Jeremy Hooper

This is sad. It's also powerful:

Hate Crimes in 2008- Fight OUT Loud [YouTube]
(H/t: Pam)

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Your thoughts

Amen!!!! We should be rioting in the streets demanding our Human Rights! How many of us have to be murdered in our homes and on the streets before we jion together and demand equal rights and treatent under the law? How many of us need to be beaten down and spit upon before we awaken to the fact that we are equal to the hetrosexuals. We bhave to demand justice for ourselves and others around the world who do not have the ability to speak for themselves! If we don't, who will? We need to start demanding our rights as full citizens of this Country and demand our representaives represent the GLBT Community! Stop voting for those who don't see us as complete equals. Stop voting for those who will use us now and forget us after the election. Demand our politicians act on behalf of those in countries where our brothers and sisters are jailed and executed for being GLBT. Too many peoples' lives depend on our actions. Don't continue to stand by and do nothing while others are beaten and left for dead just for being a GLBT person. Just because you may be accepted and confortable in your community doesn't mean that the fight is over. We must make it a global fight!!!

Posted by: Edward H | Mar 6, 2008 3:40:53 PM

Thank you for posting what we at Fight OUT Loud feel is an important message that our community needs to hear. The growing rate of violence in against the LGBT community cannot go answered.

As the video says:

Wake Up. Get Angry. Get involved.

Thanks again for your support and helping us get the word out!

-Waymon Hudson
President of Fight OUT Loud

Posted by: Waymon Hudson | Mar 6, 2008 4:54:30 PM

"Hate Crime" against gay people comes in many forms. Murder & torture being the extreme far end. Institutional homophobia compounds the problem.

Who can turn to the police, when police are one of the major culprits in continuing homophobic attitudes & practises against gay persons?

This is another story of a gay 15yr old youth, but in Cornwall, United Kingdom,...supposedly a civilised country. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfecwvTx9rM

Posted by: Pink Pasty | Mar 7, 2008 8:11:45 AM

Contemporary US gay rights issues

Posted by: suresh rajan | Mar 10, 2008 11:04:21 AM

Here's another powerful (I hope) self-explanatory video from the UK regarding gay youth.


Posted by: Pink Pasty | May 17, 2009 6:42:46 AM

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