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AFA pens world's best one-liner
When looking for comedy within our organized opposition's press releases, musings, and whatnots, sometimes we have to dig deeply and really employ our grey matter's clever chip in order to elicit a good laugh. Other times, we simply have to show you one brief statement from their own words and let the sheer absurdity speak for its unintentionally comedic self.
This from a recent piece written by perhaps thew most deceptive anti-gay organization to ever exist in history, the American Family Association:
Producers from "The Daily Show," "Saturday Night Live," and "The Colbert Report," are reportedly in a desperate bidding war over the brilliant satirist responsible for this jokey gem.
McDonald’s tries to be confusing about its support of the gay agenda [AFA]
Your thoughts
The really funny part of this for me is that they seriously believe it.
Scratch that, the SCARY part of this for me is that they seriously believe it.
Posted by: Piper | Apr 14, 2008 3:29:42 PM
If the AFA is a "christian" organization, then I'm Bette Davis.
Posted by: Scott | Apr 14, 2008 6:56:38 PM
It seems that the AFA's definition of "honest, accurate and completely forthright" is diametrically opposed to that of the average person's, as well as that of every known dictionary.
Posted by: Buffy | Apr 14, 2008 10:19:10 PM
...didn't they steal this from FAUX NEWS?
Posted by: LOrion | Apr 14, 2008 10:34:42 PM
It's almost as if Christianity is at the point where a person pisses all over himself right before dying. Nevermind that lying and bearing false witness is right up there with the 10 commandments and deadly sins (and homosexuality ISN'T). These people say the quoted text as if it's a joke, and they KNOW they're full of shit.
It won't be gay people, feminists or ethnics who destroys Christianity - it's nuts like the AFA. What else would you expect from a senile deflated blow-up doll, like Don Wildmon?
PS G-A-Y - this JeremyH 0076 guy in the singlesnet ad needs a fucking haircut!
Posted by: Scott | Apr 16, 2008 7:47:16 AM
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