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AFA's inability to make out a make out
We haven't even weighed in on the same-sex kiss that aired yesterday on "As The World Turns." But after seeing this headline from American Family Association, we just have to comment:
Our problem, however, is not that the AFA is lashing out. Considering they go apeshit whenever a company so much as hires an employee named Les B. Ian, their antipathy is to be expected. No, no -- the problem we have is how they got us overexcited for the kiss. "Open mouth"?! We're thinking not:
It's certainly a nice kiss, don't get us wrong. It's just not the full-on, wet, sloppy, tongue-swapping bout of open-mouthed man love that they promised. It's sweet and loving, but nary a spit swap did we see. The deception is just uncool, AFA!
But hey, who can blame them for being less-than-schooled in the ways of two pairs of dude-lips locking in passion. After all, whenever a gay person tends to invite their organization to engage in a kiss, it is usually their behind that they are offering up as the target.
Procter & Gamble promotes explicit open-mouth homosexual kissing [AFA]
Your thoughts
Do these people have any hobbies, other than obsessing over homosex, and watching TV (trying to FIND homosex in any form)?
I need to teach these women how to cook, cross-stitch, or SOMETHING. A "christian" woman can't live on bon-bon's, Desperate Housewives and soap operas alone.
Posted by: Scott | Apr 24, 2008 6:58:57 PM
they should know what a steamy gay kiss looks like, they spend hour trolling gay porn in an effort to "expose" the homosexual agenda. its all in the name of science and faith now!
Posted by: queerunity | Apr 25, 2008 4:52:02 AM
Posted by: | Apr 25, 2008 11:00:39 AM
I love the fact that they give you the ability to edit the letter before you send it. I'm considering editing the letter to express my gratitude that P&G are supportive the LGBT community.
Posted by: Sam | Apr 25, 2008 11:24:31 AM
Well here's the thing about that, Sam. When you do, they are going to count you as a supporter no matter what you write. They will later use you in their stats trumping up their "successes," and they will likely add you to their mailing list. Who knows what they ACTUALLY send to the company.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 25, 2008 11:27:38 AM
Does anyone know who I can contact at P&G to tell them I support what they're doing?
http://www.soap-news.com/atwt/atwtadd.htm has a list of people to e-mail at P&G, but I don't know who to contact.
Posted by: Chris | Apr 25, 2008 12:21:11 PM
That kiss was HOT!
The AFA is jealous because no one would want to touch any of their repressed asses with a ten foot pole!
Who'd want to kiss Rev. Donald Wildmon~~YUCK!
Posted by: David | Apr 29, 2008 1:26:18 PM
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