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Hailey and high water: Leisha on board Olivia cruises

by Jeremy Hooper

Meet Leisha PhotoAnd now for some "we're bored with the culture war so let's talk about something frivolous like an 'L Word' star's new endorsement" news: The popular Olivia travel and entertainment company has announced that Alice Pieszecki herself, Leisha Hailey, has signed on as the new spokesperson for all their Sapphic-centric endeavors. Press release here:

Leisha Hailey Is the New Face of Olivia [Olivia Press]

It's a good gig for Leisha. She's attractive, ladies love her, and she's demonstrated that she knows how to help keep a ship afloat even when critics have been saying that it's been sinking since its second season.

Meanwhile, we imagine fellow "L" star Daniela Sea is bemoaning the fact that she could be in possession of both a lesbianic orientation and an oceanic last name, yet still passed over in the endorsement of a lady-loving company focused on sea travel. But then again, we also baselessly suspect that Kate Moennig has been wanting for years to market the catnip-laced panties that her Shane character clearly wears on the show; so don't trust us when it comes to the "L" gals and their thoughts on cashing in.

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Your thoughts

You couldn't of made a better chice. Congradulations to Leisha Hailey. She deserves it!!!

Posted by: Tommie | Apr 28, 2008 10:17:43 PM

Hate the L-Word, hate Olivia, hate cruises, and really, really, really hate Shane. Good thing I'm only bisexual, huh? ;-)

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Apr 29, 2008 6:54:13 PM

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