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Video: Hell hath no fury like two bored women expressing scorn
Wow, what a thoroughly charming pair of young ladies:
Sick, right? I mean everyone knows it's "lie," not "lay," when talking about a human's state of horizontal rest! ::sigh:: What is wrong with America's youth?
Oh, and the whole "burn in hell" thing -- well that's pretty nasty too. It's just that that condemnation is so f***ing mindless that one can just shake their head at the ignorance, whereas the improper word usage makes our ears bleed. Simplistic denunciations regarding our eternal souls we can take. But uneducated bastardizations of the English language? Those abominations are much more difficult to overlook!
Views On Homosexuals. [YouTube]
Your thoughts
I smell a couple of trolls who are just trying to show off that girl's demon impression...but I dunno.
Posted by: Kaikou | Apr 21, 2008 11:01:38 AM
Kaikou: Yea, thats sort of what I thought too. But then they left some comments on their video that would seem to suggest they are serious about what they say.
Either way, it's a ridiculous exercise.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Apr 21, 2008 11:06:09 AM
Ah...the, holier-than-thou, everything-said-with-a-sneer-and-an-ounce-of-attitude personality type! I love that one. Srsly.
Posted by: zortnac | Apr 21, 2008 12:00:00 PM
We should totally save a copy of this video to show Victoria after a host of failed relationships (and a failed attempt to duplicate Linda Blair's minor successes) brings her to the realization that she's a lesbian, after all.
Posted by: Greg | Apr 21, 2008 12:13:03 PM
One of sooo many that I've flagged. I love getting these updates on the MOST homophobic vids on youtube, esp. the ones that so blatantly break youtube's guidelines. Thx J!
Posted by: ZnSD | Apr 21, 2008 12:47:48 PM
As a straight man who just happened across your blog, very well written by the way, I just wanted to make this observation. Isn't ironic that most woman who are against any kind of alternative lifestyle are woman that most straight men wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?
Just tossing in my two cents.
Posted by: The Angry Jew | Apr 21, 2008 3:12:54 PM
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