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Video: Lookin' back at silly 'Sally Rally'
Last week, while we were joyously sipping caipirinhas in an infinity poll and basking in the warm sun, those who prefer to suck on the teat of indecency and coldly bash gay people were consorting at the Oklahoma state capitol building in support of this generation's Anita Bryant, Rep. Sally Kern. Below you can watch all six parts of the so-called "Rally For Sally," in which you'll witness more unscrupulous dehumanization than you would at a vampire-zombie's orgiastic blood-letting:
They're repeatedly invoking the name of Jesus to honor someone who compared gay people to terrorists and homosexuality to cancer? And they're using their personal beliefs to write off an entire sect of the population? ::sigh:: Why did our God give us the sort of brain that allows us to easily and enjoyably analyze the works of Chekov, Shakespeare, and Tolstoy within an inch of their lives, yet completely unable to even find the part of the Bible that says cruelly judging gay people is "a Christian value"?!
Damn you, Satan! Why did you have to curse us in a way that makes simplistic regurgitations of one-sided interpretations seem less intellectually kosher than reasoned analyses of intricate situations? After all, we'd have SO MUCH more free time if you'd have let us shut off our mind's intellectual processing plants. Non-ignorance is so not bliss!
The Youtube channel of "Reclaim Oklahoma" [YouTube]
Your thoughts
listening to all of this poo keeps reminding me of a joke that Texans use whenever OK winds up in the news.
Why doesn't Texas fall into the Gulf of Mexico?
Because Oklahoma Sucks.
Seriously, I can't watch anymore of these people for the day, it makes me lash out at others.
Free Speech my ass!
Posted by: Piper | Apr 14, 2008 1:33:59 PM
Sucking on the teat of indecency? I like that phrase. It exactly describes the ideas that the gay agenda wants to teach to our preschoolers in order to convince them that they have no option but to perform sex (abstinence not allowed), and that they should choose to perform perverted sexual acts with their own gender and call it normal.
Posted by: Kit | Jul 23, 2008 11:21:32 PM
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