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When Dems act like Dems

by Jeremy Hooper

You know what's refreshing? When instead of having an election in which a pair of supposed progressives stop short of taking a reasoned position so as to not endanger their electability, you have two competing Democrats who both take a stand for marriage equality.

200804231109Such is the case in New Jersey, where Senator Frank Lautenberg and Congressman Rob Andrews, both vying in the primary for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate, have revealed to Garden State Equality their endorsement of equal rights for gay and lesbian couples:

Andrews, Lautenberg support marriage equality; GSE endorses Lautenberg [Blue Jersey]

A refreshing development that should be nothing more than the run of the mill Democratic platform on this issue. Leading through righteousness and connecting the dots for those who are still embracing discrimination, rather than emboldening short-sightedness by fostering inequality: It's the "change" that will earn our heart!

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Your thoughts

Isn't it wonderful. I am proud and fortunate to be represented by both candidates. (Andrews is my congressman). I take seriously that part of the constitution that says I am allowed to petition my government for redress of grievances and I've always received excellent responses from both.

Posted by: Ed | Apr 23, 2008 5:13:18 PM

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