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by Jeremy Hooper

Wanna see how cruel and crass our opposition can sometimes be? Well check this out. In reaction the news that a workshop designed to help gay youth and their fathers learn to accept themselves and each other was cancelled, the reliably over the top folks at WorldNetDaily are running this headline:

Picture 9-83

Disgusting. The workshop they are discussing was to be a thoughtful examination of the issues that gay youth and their fathers sometimes face. It was meant to foster understanding of those kids who are gay (no how-to manual needed), cutting through the hyper-masculine heterosexism that can lead to a weak bond between father and son. And what do the social conservatives do? Propagate the same sort of cruel misunderstanding in a way (pointedly using the word "homo") that keeps many kids struggling through their teen years trying to fit into a "boy mold" that doesn't match their truths.

If this sort of mentality is what WND considers a model for "how-to-be-hetero," then we're more than glad to be have rejected that mold.

'How-to-be-homo' seminar canceled [WND]

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Your thoughts

My best friend of almost 14 years came out to me on Saturday night. In honesty, I had always known he was gay, but I always wanted him to tell me on his on terms. He finally did. I was so happy for him. We talked about everything for about an hour. He said "I've felt like this for 9 or 10 years, and it was so hard in high school. I just wanted to be normal". (He's 23 now). My heart broke for him.

High school is so hard for so many kids. It was difficult for me as a straight female. The idea of adults at WND making it even harder, ridiculing pre-teens and teens, is sickening. I think this seminar sounded like a wonderful idea.

Homosexuality is not just an adult thing. To cruelly make fun of kids in the teens who are still developing and figuring themselves out is dispicable. I could never imagine a "religion of love" being so cruel, but I'm telling you, if Christian followers are any example of God and Jesus, I'd be happy with a one way ticket to hell.

Posted by: Me | May 16, 2008 2:11:31 PM

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