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Penn Sen avoids horrible blunder

by Jeremy Hooper

Pa-2You know the proposed bill that would put a gay marriage ban in the Pennsylvania constitution? Yea, well, Keystone State gays can rest easy for now. The state Senate yesterday put the kibosh on that potential historical misstep, as they realized that the discriminatory pile of legislative cow caca would've never had a chance in the House:

State Senate tables bill against gay marriage [Post-Gazette]

We'll have to wait and see if and when the someday-to-be-recognized-as-cruel-and-unjust bill will again rear its biased head. But for now, let's celebrate the fact that the state's historical archivists will not have to inscribe into the record an obvious mistake for which the local government will inevitably have to offer a red-faced apology.

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Your thoughts

There were 14 proposed amendments. One would have outlawed most divorces, since the supposed raison d'etre for the bill was to protect the sanctity of marriage, then Rep Fumo felt it was only natural to outlaw divorce! Sounds sensible to me.

Posted by: LOrion | May 7, 2008 3:53:39 PM

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