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Video: Fred's fried plans

by Jeremy Hooper

Yesterday we showed you a press release that was issued by the "fag haters" from Westboro Baptist, wherein the Phelps family detailed their plans to somehow strengthen their own faith by burning another's holy book. Well that was just the beginning of the now riot-inciting fun. For now Fred Phelps has committed those same fiery ideas to video:

Wait a minute -- Westboro wants to appease the wrath of God on this one? Aren't they always thanking that same deity for his wrath? What gives? Is the wrath only praiseworthy if its against gays and not because of percceived "blasphemy"?

Oh dear, we actually just tried to rationalize Westboro's stances. It's time to step away for the night.

WBC to burn the Koran [LiveLeak]

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Your thoughts

It's about time we used the rights of man as a tool to prevent this sort of thing.
If you cannot extend freedom of speech, and freedom of religion (including Atheism) to your opponents, your own freedom of speech, and your right to have, and practice a religion should be removed.

Posted by: Corvidae | May 20, 2008 6:37:30 PM

Urinating on Jesus! Kinky!

Posted by: Tony P | May 21, 2008 12:10:45 AM

That koran sure doesn't burn very well, when they do it at the Iraqi Embassy they might want to consider a good accelerant. Maybe mock one up out of flash-paper or something – cause what they really want to see is that one spark sends it up in a poof of smoke. That would demonstrate their point.

But, this demonstration of Fred’s shows one other thing pretty clearly. It shows that the claim from the fundies that including “the gays” in Hate Crimes legislation will keep them from continuing to act hatefully toward us is completely baseless. Religious groups have been included in Hate Crimes legislation since 1969. That hasn’t stopped Phelps or Mad Sally Kern or just about anyone these days who wants to rail against Islam from doing it.

They claim that they will not be able to stand in their bully-pit (pulpit) and condemn the depraved sodomites to hell without being arrested for a Hate Crime. But it that were true, then Phelps should have been arrested by now – of course, we can still hold out hope that he and Mad Sally will be sharing a cell somewhere (talk about BFFs,) but I won’t hold my breath.

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 21, 2008 4:05:24 AM

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