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Video: Shockingly, her consumption of Rice-a-Roni was not attacked
You might have already seen this laughably nauseating ad that Missouri Republican Sam Graves is running against his Democratic congressional opponent, Kay Barnes. But just in case you haven't, enjoy the Bay Area bashing:
Sing with me, everybody:
'If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear your sleeveless pink shirt with a cowboy hat while standing at a bar holding a cocktail and dancing with your equally party-loving liberal pals'
One city; a bottomless well of unscrupulous, undignified, simple-minded conservative scapegoating.
Rep. Graves (R-MO) TV Ad Attacks Opponent's San Fran Values [YouTube]
*Headline note: Rice-a-Roni is "the San Francisco treat," for those who missed that ad campaign.
Your thoughts
Are they the only 3 people in that club? It doesn't look very fun. Are those the kinds of values that Kay Barnes endorses? Parties that aren't fun?!
Posted by: zortnac | May 21, 2008 1:30:18 PM
Notice they couldn't even bring themselves to show two men or two women dancing together, and that pop culture seems to have stopped for them in the 1980s.
Hopefully his constituents know what he's doing, or at least what a real party looks like!
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 21, 2008 1:34:53 PM
Yes, to bad fashion.
Yes, to lonely parties.
Yes, to two women partying with one man.
Wait a minute, did one of those three ideas seem perfectly fine to you?
(Please can my british humour not be too subtle...)
Posted by: Corvidae | May 21, 2008 4:28:24 PM
I enjoyed this ad -- so much I watched it five times in a row! I found it very amusing. (But this probably doesn't surprise you any.) You have to admit it pegs the politics of San Francisco quite accurately.
I can't say how effective this ad may be for Rep. Graves, nor do I know anything about the values of Barnes. It is interesting, however, that when confronted with this ad which directs one's attention to how Speaker Pelosi's power would only be enhanced should Barnes be elected, she chose to change the subject entirely. Her website's responses to Graves' ad do nothing to reject the ad's premise; she just goes into the unrelated matters of fuel costs and energy independence.
Posted by: David | May 22, 2008 1:41:53 AM
I would make a rude and inappropriate joke about values, but it wouldn't be in good taste.
Instead, I'll note the headline reminds me of something my dad said in jest to a right winger: "Yes, the gay agenda lives in San Francisco, eating Rice-a-Roni and plotting the downfall of the human race."
Posted by: Ravvie | May 25, 2008 4:36:28 PM
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