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Wedding Crashers 2: Westboro Bugaloo
The latest from Westboro Baptist:
You know, Westboro: When most people RSVP, they simply choose if they want a beef, fish, or vegetarian meal. They don't cast judgements against the bride and groom's eternal futures! ::sigh:: Your wedding response etiquette is as misplaced as your compassion!
But hopefully you will at least bring Jenna a gift. After all, even the most cursed of couples could still use a waffle iron!
Your thoughts
Okay, so they're stone cold crazy, but I can't help feeling sorry for them. How can they stand to live with so much hate inside them? I will give them this - their rhetoric is honest. None of this stuff about doing what they do because they love us. Although, from what I can see of them (and I do try to avoid them), they don't seem to speak much of what they might consider to be other sins. Do they ever speak against divorce? After all, Christ had something to say about divorce even though he never mentioned same gender love.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | May 6, 2008 12:18:04 PM
I guess they can't afford plane tickets anymore. Shame. Looks like multi-million dollar law suit judgements and liens on your property from the state really put pressure on one's travel budget that not even Willian Shatner could help with,
Posted by: zortnac | May 6, 2008 2:04:20 PM
What makes you say that, zortnac? They're going to it.
Posted by: G-A-Y | May 6, 2008 2:07:47 PM
"Do they ever speak against divorce?"
Do ANY of them? LOL
I know it's less of a priority than homosex, to groups like AFA, FOF and CWFA.
Posted by: Scott | May 6, 2008 4:05:52 PM
You know what...you're right, I totally misread that as the Phelps family protesting the event at *their* family ranch.
Posted by: zortnac | May 6, 2008 4:42:52 PM
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