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Would you like bias with that?

by Jeremy Hooper

To protest what they and their social conservative pals perceive to be a "homosexual agenda" within the company (see earlier stories here and here), the folks at the Family Research Council have created fliers for customers to deliver to their local McDonald's.  Just be sure you've fully digested your McMuffin before reading it:

Wasted paper?  Nonsensical claims?  Excessively discriminatory views?  ::sigh:: As if McDonald's workers needed any more empty calories in their midst! 

FRC Action Alert [FRC]

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Your thoughts

Tony Perkins is such a McFaggot.

Does he have anything better to do, besides primping and yapping about homosex?

Posted by: Scott | May 12, 2008 10:19:56 AM

I'd like to see them try to boycott McDonalds, I don't eat it myself, but I would find it funny when their children go and eat there anyway. :)

Posted by: Corvidae | May 12, 2008 10:44:57 AM

I would be willing to bet that the reason that McDonalds supports anything (LGBT or otherwise) is because they have done their market research, and have determined it to be in their best interest to do so. They see the LGBT community as a large demographic that is underrepresented in their customer base - and their only purpose is to build a larger customer base. I, personally, appreciate it more when Absolute Vodka panders to my needs more than I do when McDonalds does, but it is still nice to be loved.

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 12, 2008 11:38:21 AM

Why in the freakin world do these jerks make such a big deal? ugh, they treat us like freaks and I'm so sick of it, i hope they fall in a hole

Posted by: Andrew | May 12, 2008 12:35:33 PM

Jeremy-can you help us counter this? Can you get a flyer applauding McD's for their LGBT friendly policies that G-A-Y readers could hand to the restaurant managers up on the blog?

Posted by: Mike | May 12, 2008 3:06:20 PM

Honestly, Mike, speaking from both a gay rights and an environmental standpoint, I'm not sure that inundating McD's employees with paper is the best strategy. I think the better idea is to get the world out about FRC and campaigns like this in order to diffuse them (which I'll def try and do more of in the coming days). But the game of "Who can waste the most paper?" seems a little pointless, especially when you consider how much harder it is to rally our side with things like this.

Posted by: G-A-Y | May 12, 2008 3:15:44 PM

I used to work at a McDonald's. I would have enjoyed the hell out of seeing someone come in with those pamphlets. I agree with Jeremy. Aside from the enviro impact of a ton of flyers, we also probably ought to let the FRC's allies be the preachy creeps with the nasty pamphlets nobody wants to be bothered with while they're eating, you know?

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 12, 2008 8:28:13 PM

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