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Delonas boldly goes where anti-gay men have gone before
You know Sean Delonas, the NY Post cartoonist who's routinely caught heat for being anti-gay, yet who has denied his homophobia at every turn. Yea, well, his denials are wearing thin:
Look out, T.R. Knight. We hear Sean has a thought bubble with "McYucky!" in it just waiting to atop cartoon Meredith's head.
Delonas [NY Post]
**Let's not forget that after the New Jersey ruling, he implied that gay marriage would lead to man-sheep unions.
Your thoughts
Kirk can boff green alien women and this is what he has Mr. Spock call "highly illogical"? Sulu at least stays in his own species...
Posted by: John | Jun 5, 2008 2:25:20 PM
Posted by: Evan | Jun 5, 2008 2:25:32 PM
pfft, THIS coming from a species that, every 7 years, is so overcome with hetero-hornyness that they loose all capacity for logic? PUH LEEZE!
I hope I'm not the only one who caught that major continuity error.
Posted by: zortnac | Jun 5, 2008 2:35:39 PM
He's always been horrible. Then again this is the NY Post. What are you looking for? Class? Wit? Sophistication? I can't say that he has no talent, but it's a wasted talent.
Posted by: johnozed | Jun 5, 2008 3:21:49 PM
I hate everything about the NY Post. Everything.
Posted by: Katelyn | Jun 5, 2008 3:50:18 PM
Wow. NY Post editors should have known better than to allow this cartoon. It is morally offensive. What a douche bag!
Posted by: Beej the Pink Sheep | Jun 6, 2008 10:12:46 PM
This guy's not only a lousy cartoonist, and a homophobic asshole, he's also unbelievably lazy-he substitutes Brad Altman for some generic effeminate queen, when it would only take a few seconds to find a picture of him:
As you can see from the picture, he's NOTHING like to guy in the cartoon. It speaks volumes that Delonas couldn't even be bothered to find this out.
Posted by: Bill S | Jun 7, 2008 10:55:24 AM
That's a very good point, Bill. Sean made no attempt to learn anything about his partnership of more than 20 years. In the school of "poke fun at the f*gs" comedy, any stand-in queen will do.
A proficient satirist would learn the situational realities and craft a joke out of them. But not only has Delonas glossed over Altman's appearance, but he's also ignored any and all of Takei's characterizations, as well as attributed the reluctance to Leonard Nimoy, who George claims as both a friend and wedding participant. It's sloppy comedy whose only joke lies in homo-hostility.
We don't shame anyone lightly here at G-A-Y. However, Sean Delonas has more than earned his place in the annals of anti-gay ignobility!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 7, 2008 7:26:29 PM
Let's pick the mushroom off the cow patty:
Sulu looks cute!
Posted by: Glenn I | Jun 8, 2008 8:12:43 PM
haha thats funny you fags need to loosen up
Posted by: | Feb 20, 2009 11:59:00 AM
And here we have an anonymous commenter who validates our outrage.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Feb 20, 2009 12:22:17 PM
Thanks to GoodAssYou for publishing funny cartoons of Sean Delonas!
Posted by: andrey55 | Feb 21, 2009 3:17:56 PM
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