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Friends don't let 'friends' drive marriage into biased hole

by Jeremy Hooper

Wanna see a phrase that sums up all that is wrong with those trying to stem the inevitable tide of marriage equality? Well looks at these seven words, which Concerned Women For America intern Hilary Webster wrote as a headline for her piece decrying the recent California decision:

Picture 6-134

And why is this so indicative of the organized anti-gay side's ills? Well the reason is twofold:

(1) Because it shows how they've cast themselves in the role of "friends of marriage" even though they are our unions' biggest threats.

(2) Because they are once again acting as if they are "fighting back" against the insidious gay forces, when in reality they are the only ones who are casting slings or arrows.

It's a terse phrase that says SO MUCH about the "protect marriage" crew. It exemplifies their understanding of the need to constantly make the pro-gay side look like the aggressors, as well as make themselves look like poor innocents whose poo smells likes roses.

The truth, of course, is that those who are birthing an anti-gay constitutional amendment in California are foes of marriage, and the "pro-family" mindset is what has militarized this so-called "culture war." Without their disdain for the "radical" ideas of fairness, equality, and the right for all humans to live their truths, there would be no battle here. The battle lines between the nuptial concept's friends and foes wouldn't be drawn between homo and hetero, but rather between those who are supportive of the right of two adults toe enter into a legal union and those who spend their Saturdays pulling the fire alarms in various churches, synagogues, and banquet halls. We all would be free to take on true matters of concern rather than wasting our godd*mn time on this tired, shortsighted, intellectually bankrupt non-debate!

CWA Intern Hilary Webster: Get out before you're fully sucked in. Your future is too bright to be focused towards myopic darkness.

Friends of Marriage in California Fight Back [CWA]

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Your thoughts

I think some day we will probably see the title of an article that reads:

Friends of Dorothy Kick "Friends" of Marriage's Ass

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 9, 2008 10:43:54 PM

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