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Gay pride: Destroying the sanctity of Celtics b-ball

by Jeremy Hooper

To kick off gay pride week, Boston mayor Thomas Menino and various other city officials held a ceremony in which they raised a pride flag at city hall. So it should come as no surprise that Massachusetts' most vehement anti-gay group, MassResistance (a SPLC-certified "hate group), have made it their duty to lash out against the colorful city display.

However, this year it's not just "traditional marriage" or children that MassResistance is accusing the gays of targeting. No, no -- this year it's professional basketball that's being stymied at the hand of the "obnoxious" homosexual agenda:

Picture 13-48

Damn, they've found out our secret plan to hijack the NBA finals! Alright, alright -- we might as well come clean. Since we want to direct focus towards California and our fight to keep an anti-gay amendment from passing there, we're working day and night to have Los Angeles beat Boston. So we just thought that if we distracted fans from visiting the Celtics tent or noticing the Celtics banner for the short time that it took to hold our flag ceremony, we could lower team morale enough to lead the Lakers to victory.

::sigh:: We just can't hide from your keen investigative skills, MR! Here's just hoping you won't find out about our "obnoxious" plan to get married during Red Sox home games, so as to lower the TV ratings enough to have their airings replaced with "Project Runway" reruns. Oh no, we've said too much!

Mayor of Boston flies homosexual flag over City Hall to celebrate "Gay Pride Week" [MR]

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Your thoughts

Do they really not realize that the pride event is:
a) Annual
b) Planned well in advance - like, before the Celtics made the playoffs.

As usual there are only two explanations:
a) They are very stupid.
b) They are being willfully vindictive.

or more likely it's - c) both

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Jun 10, 2008 4:09:14 PM

WOW just found this blog, i love the information. I will need to look for any upcoming events.

thanks, Bill from Ohio

bw434 @ gmail.com

Posted by: Bill | Apr 28, 2009 9:14:26 AM

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