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He who misdefines 'protection' and 'values' now mislabeling 'extremists'
This is how Ron Prentice of ProtectMarriage.com refers to the pro-equality side for calling the legality of the California anti-gay ballot initiative into question:
“This is an act of desperation,”...“The voters deserve a chance to vote on this important issue, but our extremist opponents want to silence the voters."
We, in the most drippingly sarcastic tone we can possibly muster, reply:
"Well, if those who are staunchly against marriage equality are moderates...
...then extremists we'll just have to be. After all, we would never be 'sensible' and 'non-extremist' enough to put personal faith conviction above legality, or to dedicate our time and energy to stifling the civil rights of a certain group of taxpayers. So damnit, we'll instead have to stick with the 'radical' notion that all citizens are human beings deserving of full and equal protection under the law. The fight for legalized monogamy -- it's our fundamentalist lot in life. Such unhinged zealots, we!"
Be sure to look for future quotes from Ron, wherein we predict he'll again invoke a kettle-labeling pot and accuse our side of being just a little "too Jesus-y."
Gay Activists Sue to Remove Marriage Amendment from Calif. Ballot [Citizenlink]
Your thoughts
No time on your posts. Was that written just after a little teeeeny bit of wine?
LOVE IT! My wine loves it! ... I can be unhinged with the best of them!
Posted by: LOrion | Jun 23, 2008 10:51:44 PM
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