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I am Gavin, hear me advocate
Does Gavin Newsom crap rose-scented pride flags? Because honestly, this straight dude's gay commitment is so strong, it almost makes us feel like we're homophobic:
Newsom Offers To Staff Butte, Kern County Weddings
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5 / KCBS) ― San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom said he would go to Butte or Kern County himself to marry gay and lesbian couples, if those counties truly do not have enough staff to perform same-sex ceremonies next week.
Newsom Offers To Staff Butte, Kern County Weddings [CBS 5]
But that's not all. We also hear that if the state's voters ultimately choose to pass a constitutional amendment that overturns marriage equality, Gavin will clothe himself in a symbolically tattered replica of the state constitution, go to the homes of everyone who voted in favor of the measure, and give them his mean face while protest songs blast out of a boombox that he's foisting over his head.
He's dedicated, that man!
*Kern County back story [G-A-Y]
*Butte County back story [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
"Does Gavin Newsom crap rose-scented pride flags? Because honestly, this straight dude's gay commitment is so strong, it almost makes us feel like we're homophobic."
Thank you. That was my laugh of the day. Keep being brilliant! love, John
Posted by: johnozed | Jun 12, 2008 4:08:41 PM
And that's why I'm going to vote for him again this year.
Posted by: Alonzo | Jun 12, 2008 4:36:08 PM
I love that man.
Posted by: Pausini | Jun 12, 2008 5:12:49 PM
I just wish he wasn't so hot looking. Whenever I see him, I get totally distracted from his message.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jun 12, 2008 6:02:38 PM
UPDATE from Butte Cty, FRIDAY, June 13. Yep, now that we have official license application forms that say PARTY A and PARTY B (this happened yesterday AM after I sicced a City IT person onto the County website 'error.') .... and Gavin is so willing...
I guess we are on here next week!
Dropping a little notice to the local paper about all the $$$$ that people would NOT be spending on gay or het weddings here, may have helped a bit too, since it is an overwhelmingly Repug area, and that bottom line can trump ethics any day for Repugs.
Posted by: LOrion | Jun 13, 2008 10:14:15 AM
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