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Maine's pain forced to abstain
Due to lack of support and interest, the indefatigably gay-hostile folks at the Christian Civic League of Maine have announced that they're scrapping an attempt to pass measures that would've (a) repealed a state non-discrimination law, (b) prevented state funds from being used on civil rights programs in public schools, (c) emboldened Maine's "one man, one woman" marriage laws, and (d) restricted which sort of parents could've adopted in the state (*hint: gay parents were not to be put in the front of the line). The AP has more on this joyous failure:
Maine group drops anti-gay rights effort [AP via Times Argus Online]
It remains to be seen what the CCL Maine will do with all their newfound free time. However, if they hope for any chance of remaining viable in the future, they should really dedicate some energy to trying to erase the writing that's so clearly inscribed on the state's wall. It doesn't say very nice things about discrimination's future.
Your thoughts
This great news should send waves of fear through the other professional Christian gay-bashers. Could Matt Barber leaving Concerned Women be related to a general downward trend in their power and influence on the homo issue? Could Peter LaBarber's Americans Faking Truth be the next to fall?
I'm probably being much too optimistic. I have to realize that Maine is not the Bible Belt, but still, it is a step in a favorable direction.
Posted by: Richard Rush | Jun 20, 2008 11:53:53 AM
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