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More on Kern County's 'I don'ts"

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images 200806050844Remember our post from yesterday speculating about the real reasons why the clerks office of Kern County, CA, has chosen to get itself out of the marriage game? Yea, well, The Bakersfield Californian pretty much confirms for us that homo-hostility was the impetus behind the decision. In fact, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Ann Barnett is said to be among those who pushed for a "stay" of the Supreme Court's decision, and when her side didn't succeed with that endeavor, she's said to have (a) attempted to resign from her elected position as county clerk while retaining her auditor-controller role, and (b) emailed with the notoriously anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund seeking legal protection if she decided to cancel all civil marriages in the county:

Californian exclusive: Clerk went to great lengths to get out of same-sex ceremonies [Californian]

It's unclear why Barnett and her office cited a lack of staff and space if a lack of fairness and gay-friendliness were the reasons behind their marital kibosh. However, we think it has a little something to do with that clause in The Anti-Homosexual Agenda™ demanding that all bias be hidden behind some form of code-wording.

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Your thoughts

Give me the stone cold crazies from Westboro any day. At least, they don't hide behind lies. They present their hate front and center.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jun 6, 2008 8:25:03 AM

LATEST: 10 days and counting to LICENSING:

Some Calif. Clerks To Issue Licenses Earlier
by The Associated Press
Posted: June 6, 2008 - 7:00 am ET
(San Francisco, California) California officials say counties may begin issuing gender-neutral marriage licenses the minute after a state Supreme Court order legalizing same-sex marriage takes effect.
The Office of Vital Records advised all 58 California counties Thursday that they can begin issuing the licenses June 16 at 5:01 p.m. 
An earlier notice said clerks could make the new licenses available at the start of the business day June 17.
The licenses say "Party A" and "Party B" where bride and groom used to be.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has said he wanted to keep the clerk's office open past the close of business so gay couples could wed as soon as possible.
The vital records office is not requiring counties to remain open after business hours....

and what do you bet the office in Bakersfield ... will be 'closed for remodeling' or something.

Posted by: LOrion | Jun 6, 2008 10:47:50 AM



Wedding bells will begin ringing for California's same-sex couples at 5 p.m. June 16, state officials said Thursday.
And San Francisco city officials are planning to marry large numbers of couples, possibly up to 500 a day, late into the evening and for days on end.
The city is planning to stay open for weddings until 8 p.m. June 16 and will extend hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day after that "as long as there is demand," said Giselle Barry, a Newsom spokeswoman.
Barry said city officials anticipate that starting sometime today, couples will be able to use the county clerk's online reservation system to make appointments during the extended hours. To expedite the process, she said, couples from outside San Francisco should get a license in their home counties and then make appointments to have their wedding ceremony at San Francisco City Hall.
Barry said city officials anticipate they will be able to issue 250 marriage licenses and perform 500 ceremonies each day, with help from volunteers and other city employees.

More information
For wedding appointments, log on to www.sfgov.org/countyclerk.
To volunteer to help with the weddings, e-mail [email protected].

Posted by: LOrion | Jun 6, 2008 11:44:58 AM

What really strikes me about this is that, in this case, the fundie is the biggest threat to "traditional" marriage. Ann Barnett is soooooo pissed off that she has taken in upon herself to take out her exaggerated (overcompensating?) indignation on the 25 heterosexual couples that had already booked wedding appointments for after the 13th.

Sounds like a classic case of transference to me! She doesn't want the queers ruinin' their party, so she'll ruin it herself and blame it on us! They could all probably benefit from some reasoned and rational (sane) counseling.

And, by the way, in about 50% of "traditional" marriage in the original 13 original colonies involved and underage girl and a shotgun! Now that's something to revel in!

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 7, 2008 5:13:42 PM

fr the article:

>...In fact, Auditor-Controller-County Clerk Ann Barnett is said to be among those who pushed for a "stay" of the Supreme Court's decision, and when her side didn't succeed with that endeavor, she's said to have (a) attempted to resign from her elected position as county clerk while retaining her auditor-controller role...<

She needs to be fired, immediately, and escorted by security from the building, her personal items shipped COD to her.

Posted by: Gretchen | Jun 7, 2008 7:17:02 PM

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