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Not a good day to be a Pacific Coast-based antigay
Gay opponents in Oregon are throwing in the proverbial towel for the time being. Beaver State social conservatives have announced that they're ditching their attempts to repeal two pro-gay laws, one that extends domestic partnership protections, and another that bans discrimination based on sexual orientation:
Opponents of Oregon gay rights law abandon repeal effort [AP via Oregon Live]
However, these folks do vow that they'll keep pushing, in hopes of getting these repeal attempts on the state's 2010 ballot. Shocking us that they'd even acknowledge that 2010 will occur, as we were fairly convinced that they thought years were regressing rather than progressing.
Your thoughts
Even if you're against gays because of your religion, I CANNOT understand why you'd be against hate crime legislation or anti-discrimination legislation. It just shows that they are looking to make gays second-class citizens.
Posted by: | Jun 16, 2008 11:23:58 PM
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