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S.B.C is Still.Being.Cruel
Discouraging news for those of you who were hoping Southern Baptists would take on topics like "Do you think 'Project Runway' will still be as gay when it transfers to Lifetime?" at this year's convention. Instead, the holy rollers have chosen to adopt a resolution calling on their peeps to increase -- INCREASE! -- their resistance against the 'mosexual set:
The resolution [on California marriage] urged Southern Baptists in California to work and vote for the referendum and called for all Southern Baptists and other Christians to pray for its passage. It encouraged California pastors to "speak strongly, prophetically and redemptively" about homosexuality and the protection of biblical marriage. It also repeated calls for adoption of a federal constitutional amendment to define marriage as only the union of a man and a woman.
You know, because without this resolution, there was a real danger that Southern Baptist preachers were going to be holding contests to see who could officiate the most Castro weddings before Labor Day. So it's a good thing they committed their "gays = unsavory" directive to paper. Bullet = dodged!
Meanwhile, at his annual convention up in heaven, we hear Jesus will soon pass a resolution vowing to enunciate a little better whenever he speaks to his followers about love, humanity, and non-judgement.
SBC tackles Calif. 'gay marriage' ruling
Your thoughts
Who would Jesus hate?
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jun 12, 2008 7:12:45 PM
Makes me wonder who many of the "gays=hell" group are divorced/remarried. Seems that the Bible says FAR MORE about the roles of wife/husband and divorce then the few vague verses (supposedly)referring to "homosexuality."
just my 2 cents
Posted by: aj | Jun 12, 2008 9:04:47 PM
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