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The day has arrived!!!!

by Jeremy Hooper

Well today's the day, folks. We've been waiting and hoping for ages, and the time has finally arrived. An emotional roller coaster will this evening hit an exciting high. Life as we know it could very well change forever. You can almost feel the Earth smiling at the delicious event that will tonight hit it's surface.

We're of course talking about the fourth season premiere of the Showtime series "Weeds" (10PM ET):

Weeds New Season Is Still Smokin' [TV Guide via Seattle P-I]

Gonna be historical, this episode! It's a true triumph over the far-right's attempts to silence the civil rights of Mary-Louise Parker.

Picture 23-12Oh yea, and there's also something happening in California tonight involving gay people and wedding dresses and equal signs. But ya know, the details are fuzzy on that one. And we just can't be bothered with something like gay activism. Read more at the SF Chronicle:

California weddings one more step on long road [SF Chronicle]

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Your thoughts

It's quite obvious from the picture, that the marriage of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon will destroy society as we know it. The California Supreme Court has obviously allowed those two terrorists to destroy all that is good and holy.

Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jun 16, 2008 10:06:05 AM

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