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The nuts & Bolthouses of a juice-troversy

by Jeremy Hooper

Bolthouse-Farms-juiceRemember the Bolthouse Farms controversy that we first told you about on June 4? The situation where the company's original founder, William Bolthouse, was found to be donating $100,000 to California's anti-gay constitutional initiative? And remember how even though there is evidence to suggest that the Bolthouses and their Christian foundation are still somewhat connected to the company, the spokepeople for the juice company have issued form letters to everyone who has written them, saying that Bolthouse is no longer connected to the company? Yea, well Bilerico's Alex Blaze has done a bolthouse-load of digging on the subject, and come to the conclusion that...

...Bolthouse Farms and the Bolthouse Foundation are connected [Bilerico]

Oooh...it's getting good fascinating scandalous. ::sigh:: Why can't we find a clever word that would allow us to convey that this juice-related subject is getting more interesting?

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Your thoughts

I'm sorry but I can't buy a product that I know is trying to pull back on gay rights. Besides, there are other carrot products out there to try.

Posted by: Sam | Jun 27, 2008 12:59:53 PM

How about succulent?

Posted by: LOrion | Jun 27, 2008 2:02:20 PM

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