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Things we find annoying, Tony Awards edition
Stephen Baldwin, a man who has made a point of speaking out against gays and their equal rights, is apparently totally fine with openly gay actor Cheyenne Jackson (among countless other theater queens) entertaining him during the award season's gayest night. For at the Tonys, this enthusiastic audience shot of Stephen and fellow Baldwin Alec immediately followed an indelibly queer-minded performance by the cast of Xanadu (led by the aforementioned Jackson):
Because, ya know -- we gays can serve as our opponents' dancing monkeys, just not as their "I do"-spouting fellow citizens. It's the whole "Love the sinGer, hate the sin" stipulation (which can also be applied to caterers, planners, designers, decorators, stylists, or just about any other creative-minded service)
Well sorry, Stephen. Be it Cheyenne's vibrato displayed in a pair of uber-short shorts or uber-boring wedding photos that we force you to look at for hours on end, we gays want respect for better or for worse. So hopefully this joyful celebration with extremely queer-positive bro Alec is indicative of a change in your outlook, and not of you taking the good we gays have to offer while preaching against the bad we supposedly reap.
Your thoughts
Its like when they will "let you" be firemen, wedding planners, police, but heaven forbid you should want to be teachers, solders or politicians.
Posted by: Corvidae | Jun 16, 2008 6:09:13 AM
I was much too busy watching Cheyenne's legs to even notice Stephen Baldwin. I find it so easy to ignore Stephen Baldwin. He's a bigot, and not too terribly proud of it, if the sound clip is any guide to his feelings.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Jun 16, 2008 9:20:31 AM
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