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Video: It's a slow news day -- so here, watch a Phelps vid
Who could possibly parlay an attack on Ellen DeGeneres and George Takei into an attack on John McCain? Why Fred Phelps of course. Here's the Westboro Baptist Church head honcho reading the same anti-George & Ellen press release that we showed you on Thursday of last week, before clumsily placing John McCain in the same hellbound boat o' gaeity:
John McCain on Ellen Degeneres' show [YouTube]
**Oh, and don't expect to see the Phelps family enjoying the sights of Beijing anytime soon:
Your thoughts
This WBC video could NEVER be as good as the "Jerry Falwell's death" video. I couldn't stop laughing (not only because of the Falwell situation), because it was obvious Fred was trying hard not to laugh at his OWN wisecracks aimed at Falwell.
Posted by: Scott | Jun 11, 2008 2:04:55 PM
I thank a deity for Fred Phelps. Fred and his clan are really quite helpful, I think, and we should be thankful for them. Even the more mainstream Fundamentalists want to distance themselves from them. It's our job to link them. Your average halfway normal person sees the Phelps clan as a bunch of lunatics, and that can help taint the image of the mainstreamers.
And perhaps the mainstreamers themselves are horrified to see their own ugly image being reflected back at them, and they don't want to admit they hold essentially the same beliefs. They just want to hide them behind a kinder and gentler facade.
I have long thought that the main difference between Phelps' clan and the more mainstream Fundamentalists is mainly one of style and political naïveté. If they actually achieved their goals for gay people (whatever they are), I’m not sure the results would look much different than the goals of more moderate lunatics such as James Dobson, Robert Knight, Matt Barber, or Peter LaBarbera.
So, I think we need to convey that Phelps represents the raw ugly honesty that the mainstream Fundamentalists try to hide.
Posted by: Richard Rush | Jun 11, 2008 4:50:50 PM
Probably the best way to win against the Limit on Marriage Amendment in California would be to fund him to the point where he can start running Phred-Speak advocacy ads in favor of the amendment. He certainly has a way of pissing on everyone. Like Richard Rush said, with regard to us, other than the words that he chooses, Phelps is saying almost exactly what his contemporaries are saying. It could be a good way of airing their dirtiest laundry in public.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 11, 2008 6:18:40 PM
How ironic (and hilarious) would it be if their church got struck by lightning and burned to the ground.
Posted by: Jen | Jun 16, 2008 8:41:28 PM
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