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Video: Wherein Barack is animatronicly protested
We've often taken on the talking point-laden sound bites that Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree regularly posts to the CitizenLink news site. But perhaps we've been too hard on Ms. Tyree. Judging by this on-camera appearance in a new FOF video, soundbites are simply the way she forms thoughts:
Wow. You can almost see her my mind making sure to hit certain bullet points, as if the responses are a choreographed dance:
Right kick-ball-change -- say the words "protect marriage" -- step to the left -- remind folks that 27 states have passed bans -- turn, turn, turn -- criticize Obama -- and jazz hands.
You know, we always feel sorta bad for the spokesfolks on the other side. Sure, every movement has a set of ideas and points they follow when talking to the public. But for the movement that calls itself "pro-family"? Well the speech is so carefully orchestrated and the thought so controlled, we imagine passing gas in the middle of your commentary might be grounds for dismissal. "We told you no independent farts!"
Obama’s Stand on the Defense of Marriage Act [CitizenLink]
Your thoughts
The farts are all on the out-takes! Probably took several takes and a lot of editing to make it indoctrination ready.
But my question: What's with that bump on her forehead? She needs to have that thing lanced or something. Maybe it's just one of the vestigial horns poking out. A good gay makeup artist could probably work wonders with that thing.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 23, 2008 8:03:00 PM
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