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A booked killer's booked world

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 5-143So what was on the anti-gay, anti-liberal Tennessee shooter's reading list? Well, this from Knoxville News-Sentinel:

[Knoxville Police Department Investigator Steve Still] seized three books from Adkisson's home, including "The O'Reilly Factor," by television commentator Bill O'Reilly; "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder," by radio personality Michael Savage; and "Let Freedom Ring," by political pundit Sean Hannity.

So with this revelation factored in, it's quite obvious what led him to murder and wound multiple people: He is mentally disturbed to an intense degree that couldn't possibly have been shaped by popular conservative books alone!

But even though these books should not be blamed as the reason for the killing spree, it is good to know what sort of literature might've agitated this dude's internal being. Maybe it'll lead anyone who dedicates much of their days to demonizing all who fall outside of their bubble of acceptability -- we're looking at you, Michael Savage -- to ask themselves if there's perhaps a better, more productive, less powder keg-like way to hold national conversations.

Suspect's note cites 'liberal movement' for church attack [Knox News]

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Your thoughts

It is interesting that O'Reilly decries the "Hollywood Liberals" who produce movies that "celebrate violence" and then this Adkisson loser murders two people and injures many more after reading what O'Reilly defecated onto a piece of paper.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 29, 2008 12:48:36 PM

As if somebody who throws tantrums such as this has any room to be whining about "liberals":


Posted by: Scott | Jul 29, 2008 2:18:54 PM

Bill O'Reilly's writing inspire murder? That's plain silly. All the violence the entertainment media throws at us is more likely to inspire a shooting spree than anything O'Reilly's ever written.

But the real culprit has been revealed. Reading Micheal Savage can drive anyone insane.

Posted by: David | Jul 30, 2008 1:16:03 AM

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