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Anti-gay comics? Apparently not OK
Brent Rinehart, the Oklahoma County Commissioner who gained national notoriety for using an anti-gay and spelling-challenged comic book to demonize his competition, has already lost his race for reelection. In last night's GOP primary, Rinehart finished an embarrassing third:
Rinehart defeated in county commissioner race [AP via KSWO]
Rinehart indicates that he will return to running his heating and air business. And just in time for summer, too, where he can still run what we predict will be his next ad campaign:
***NOTE: For those who missed Rinehart's ridiculous campaign comic, you can view it all here (pdf).
Your thoughts
Wow, I guess not all Oklahomans considers "homosexual sodomy = pedifiles" after all.
Posted by: Scott | Jul 30, 2008 11:55:40 AM
He's no Jack Chick with that cartoon.
Posted by: johnozed | Jul 30, 2008 11:56:42 AM
They probably wanted someone who either can spell, or is at least intelligent enough to have someone else proofread his shit before it goes to the publisher!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 31, 2008 7:56:19 PM
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