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Dude who makes nation crave change actually executes positive one

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 1-186We'd be remiss if we didn't mention that Pres. Bush actually did something pro-equality and pro-gay today. He signed legislation to reauthorize PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, which included a provision to repeal the law that sweepingly barred HIV-positive visitors and immigrants:

Bush signs global AIDS funding bill repealing HIV travel ban [HRC Backstory]

In a related story: We'd be remiss if we didn't mention that our stopped clock actually got the time right once today.

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Your thoughts

Thank you for giving credit where it is due. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who will find a way to make a negative joke out of this but it's something and you were pretty respectful in your handling of it.

Posted by: Jen | Jul 30, 2008 7:41:33 PM

You'd also be remiss if you didn't mention that he's been doing this since the start of his presidency, and is responsible for saving and extending millions of lives in africa.

Honestly i see Obama as the democratic version of Bush, i see little change in policies if he gains the presidency.

Posted by: Tim | Jul 31, 2008 4:23:54 PM

"...he's been doing this since the start of his presidency"

Throughout his entire presidency he's been signing into law a repeal of the explicit HIV travel ban? How do you figure?

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 31, 2008 4:32:33 PM

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