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Exodus staffers returning to Dick (Cohen)?
For the past few years, the nation's most mainstream "ex-gay" group, Exodus International, has run a statement distancing themselves from the work of the pillow-beating, children's book-writing, formerly-and-possibly-still Moon-connected fringe activist Richard Cohen. It read like so:
Exodus International does not endorse the work of Richard Cohen or the methods utilized in his practice. Some of the techniques Mr. Cohen employs could be detrimental to an individual's understanding of healthy relational boundaries and disruptive to the psychological and emotional development of men and women seeking clinical counsel and aid.
Now, however, the statement has been pulled from Exodus' website without any explanation. A development which led the prolific folks over at Ex-Gay Watch to do a little digging to see if Exodus is again open to an Influx of Cohen. This is the response they received from the assistant director of Cohen's organization:
"Richard explained more about his work and his position and methods to Exodus and they all made peace."
Hmm. So lest ye forget, here is a refresher course on some of Richard's "methods":
Yea, Exodus? You all want to make peace with pillow-beating and kids' picture books filled with pervy Uncles? Interesting.
XGW has promised to keep on this and find out whether Exodus is really expanding their big tent to include Cohen. So be sure to check those tireless truth-seekers out for the latest on this:
Is Exodus Warming Up to Richard Cohen Again? [XGW]
Your thoughts
Based on the video, I think you should start a pool about which airport men's room Cohen will be found toe-tapping.
Posted by: Ed | Jul 2, 2008 4:36:12 PM
That guy is a freak.
Posted by: PodJumper | Jul 2, 2008 4:42:05 PM
That book is disgusting and completely inappropriate. There is absolutely no need for anything like that to be illustrated in a children's book.
Posted by: | Jul 2, 2008 4:57:22 PM
I read the entire book online-can't remember where-and it is truly the most disturbing children's book ever.
Posted by: Bill S | Jul 2, 2008 6:05:19 PM
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