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Grimace, you might wanna find a bunker!
Peter LaBarbera and friends have officially entered into the war on McNuggets. This is the latest from Pete's Americans For Truth site:
Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this Wednesday, July 16, in support of American Family Association’s (AFA) boycott of the fast-food giant. Joining AFTAH and AFA will be representatives of Liberty Counsel, Illinois Family Institute, AFA of Pennsylvania, Culture Campaign and other pro-family advocates — including some moms who will explain why they won’t be taking their children and family to McDonald’s until the corporation stops promoting homosexuality and “gay” activism.
In order to capitalize on the opportunity, we hear Burger King and Wendy's will both introduce the Angry Mob Combo, which comes with a Biggie Torch, Super-sized list of talking points, and Kool-Aid to drink.
As for Mickey D's? Well, in order to appease the angry evangelical mob, we hear they're considering conceding that one can make a McEve out of a McRib from McAdam.
Ronald McDonald: Anti-Christian Bigot? McDonald’s Suggests Pro-Family Advocates Motivated by Hate [AFTAH]
Your thoughts
"In order to appease the angry evangelical mob, we hear Mickey D's is considering conceding that one can make a McEve out of a McRib from McAdam."
Ha! Oh, you.
Posted by: JeffRob in Chicago | Jul 14, 2008 5:06:42 PM
A new friend of mine who happens to be a psychologist and I were talking about the wingnut religious groups and I told him about the AFA and their boycott of Mickey D's for having the gall to support the NGLCC.
He mentioned that any group with Family in it's name tended to be the more crazy people he'd ever run across.
Posted by: Tony P | Jul 14, 2008 9:36:04 PM
Someone from McDonald's should show up with free-food coupons or 50%-off coupons to pass out to all of the revelers! I mean, if they are truly boycotting, then it won't cost Mickey anything, and if they use them that would be a pretty duplicitous message for the fundies to be sending. Plus, it would be something of a olive-branch gesture from the Golden Arches.
But, on second thought, that would probably ensure that it gets more media attention than it deserves, so they should probably just ignore them.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 14, 2008 9:45:30 PM
Dick, I like that idea. I think McD's should print up coupons for free food just for this special occasion, and pass them out at this oh-so-special family gathering. Then, they should track how many of them get redeemed!
Posted by: keltic | Jul 14, 2008 10:38:41 PM
I followed the link to the AFA page, and found the amazing picture of Ronald McDonald all jazzed-out in rainbows with an Obama sticker to boot. I think they were trying to mock us, but I found it FABULOUS!
Posted by: Barb | Jul 15, 2008 8:33:30 AM
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