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Hartline's tip: If you even fart in a gay-friendly manner it's gonna cost ya!
Oh, It just gets sillier and sillier. This report from the San Diego Union-Tribune's Newsblog:
Conservative Christians launch a tip boycott
SACRAMENTO - In response to a boycott of the Manchester Grand Hyatt by gay rights and union leaders, the publisher of a conservative Christian newsletter has announced his own action: withholding tips from unionized hotel workers.
James Hartline, publisher of the California Christian News, said he plans to encourage his 20,000 readers to withhold tips from hotel and restaurant workers in San Diego represented by Unite Here Local 30, which is backing the Manchester boycott.
The union has joined the boycott of the Manchester Hyatt because Doug Manchester contributed $125,000 to Proposition 8, a ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage.
Oh dear Lord. So essentially the union has taken a reasoned stand in support of the equal rights of all its members, so James is retaliating by encouraging folks to take one of his typically irrational stands in support of bias. Which wouldn't be as bad if he was calling for an all-out boycott (like the pro-gay side is). But telling his followers to still patronize hotels but to not tip the workers who provide them services during their stay?! Well that is not only offensive to the gays who he's trying to ban from marriage, but also housekeepers who he thinks should pick up his tightie whities without so much as an extra penny for their efforts!!
But if it's any consolation, hotel workers: We're pretty sure James' usual tip consists only of the advice that you lock yourself in one of the rooms and read the obligatory Bible in the bedside drawer.
Conservative Christians launch a tip boycott [Union-Tribune blog]
**Holy crap -- I just realized that I've stayed at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego! That makes me want to puke up my (overpriced) breakfast buffet!
Your thoughts
As tempting as it is to despise Hartline, we have to recall that this is just the ranting of a delusional man. We should not be angry but rather pity this poor guy.
He honestly believes that God told him to run for City Counsel... and then he got the least votes of anyone running for anything. He's convinced that God's going to miraculously heal his HIV and start a worldwide revival around him.
His brain is broken. And that is sad.
Posted by: Timothy | Jul 10, 2008 8:49:26 PM
Timothy: I've noticed that you're always quick to defend James Hartline. I'm curious: Have you had personal dealings with him? I find him quite fascinating.
But yes, while I do think it's sad if what you say is true, I don't think he should be immune from the same sort of scrutiny that we direct towards others. He is out there getting mainstream press attention, stirring up the anti-gay pot. His rhetoric (which is different from his personal life, character, and health issues) is fair game in my mind.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 10, 2008 8:57:23 PM
Joseph Goebbels' brain was broken too.
Clearly this is somebody who's abusing the welfare system, to support his anti-gay activism (much how most religious organizations abuse their tax-exempt status).
A former prostitute and B&E expert deserves zero sympathy from gay people, and I don't appreciate his couple of ass-kissers trying to convince people here and at The Blend to give him a free pass. Hartline could be directing people to attack gays with weapons, and his apologizers would continue saying "ease up on him, he's sick".
Plain and simple, if this is all Hartline is worth, he needs to just die. Revoke his free HIV meds, because he's not worth keeping alive. There's plenty of HIV+ people out there who's more deserving.
Time to send Krueger's remains back to the car junkyard....again!
Posted by: Scott | Jul 11, 2008 11:27:11 AM
And PS, having worked in the food service industry in the past, as I'm sure many readers have at one time or another - you should know servers only get, what, $2-something an hour, and the rest must be made up in tips.
And then here's Hartline - all expenses paid, including by the taxes of the servers Hartline is urging people to boycott.
Bottom line, Hartline needs to be reported. He's setting a bad example for people who don't take responsibility for their own lives. Get HIV from your own sluttiness and bitter about it? Become a welfare queen and activist against gay people.
Posted by: Scott | Jul 11, 2008 11:37:57 AM
A lot of restaurants are adding gratuities to the bill, even for parties of fewer than six. Hyatt hotel restaurants generally will add an 18% gratuity for parties of six or more.
Just don't tell Hartless!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 11, 2008 8:05:18 PM
Conservative Christians rarely tip well, anyway.
Last week, I waited on a table of church-goers. They tipped me a dollar and something called a "prayer card." And I didn't even sneeze in their food!
I will next time.
Posted by: Kate | Jul 12, 2008 12:32:21 AM
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