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MA: Is 95-year-old law entering its final days?
You know that antiquated Massachusetts law that keeps out-of-state gays from marrying in the Bay State? The one that's kept Massachusetts from becoming the "Vegas of gay marriage" (as the social conservative sometimes like to say)? The one that was designed partly to stem the tide of interracial marriages, and that was virtually ignored until same-sex nuptials came into existence?
Yea, well, that law may soon go bye bye. Now that the state is comfortably in its post-Mitt Romney, current-Deval Patrick era, there is a new push by equal-minded lawmakers to have the 1913 stipulation stricken from the books:
Gay-marriage advocates hope to repeal old law [Boston Globe]
The lawmakers, who are expected to take up the issue next week, need only a simply majority (and simple logic) to have the measure repealed. So unadorned ring fingers crossed, Mass marriage-craving gays!