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MASSively awesome
Good news for those non-resident same-sex couples who plan to marry in Massachusetts now that the out-of-state ban is being lifted. Due to extra action from the state House, the usual 90-day waiting period between a bill being signed and the measure taking effect has been lifted. So that means as soon as Gov. Patrick signs the repeal bill into law (poss. as soon as today), non-Mass. gays will be immediately able to marry en masse:
Massachusetts to allow out-of-state gay marriages [AP via Yahoo!]
Good news for itchy marriage craving news; bad new for long national nightmares that were hoping to plague the nation for many years to come.
**UPDATE: Gov. Patrick just signed the bill!
Your thoughts
You know what's weird? Four years ago, my wife and I married in Massachusetts and went back home to NYC. Now that both state governments are cooperative, we're feeling like Charlie Brown with the football. Do we really want to kick it again? Do we really want another wedding, only to have it yanked out from under us *again*? Is it really gonna stick this time? Can we really have just one real anniversary? And intellectually, we know it probably will stick, but we're not so eager this time. We want to wait and see a little (but not too long, because my 88-year-old great-aunt wants to see any re-wedding we might have.)
I wonder if other couples feel this way.
Of course, should other couples feel this way and fail to rush off to MassVegas right away, the Right will regard this as evidence that we don't "really" want to get married anyway. *sigh*
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Jul 31, 2008 10:09:22 AM
Writing in congrats! To all escpecially keltic?..who is happily, frantically planning a wedding asap! But does GreenEyed really have to do it again. I guess so cuz these laws are never retroactive... just do a fun elope, everyone over for a BBQ thing!
Posted by: LOrion | Jul 31, 2008 10:35:15 AM
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