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MO campers told to take a hike; was bias at play?

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 23-15A gay and lesbian group called Pride Revolutions is threatening legal action against the Park and Recreations department of Jackson County, Missouri, because they say that during a planned stay this past weekend at Longview Lake campground, park rangers and attendees harassed and eventually kicked out the queer campers. Story and video report at link:

Gay, Lesbian Group Kicked Off Campgrounds [KCTV]

For their part, the parks department is citing alcohol, dogs without leashes, and other violations for why the gay group was ousted. Also, they've promised to investigate any wrongdoing.

As for us? Well, we have absolutely nothing else to say about this situation; so here, watch a video of Yogi Bear and Ranger Smith singing the "Guy Love" song from "Scrubs":

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

Holy crap...how did I not hear about this? I live in Jackson County, I was at the campground a few weeks ago. God, I hate this place...

Posted by: tiefe_wasser | Jul 15, 2008 2:48:32 PM

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