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Pete expects this writer to be 'cheap'; Fitting, since I think his rhetoric costs society greatly

by Jeremy Hooper

LOL. This is the introductory paragraph to Peter LaBarbera's latest post:

Folks, we expect homosexual activists like Jeremy “Good As You” Hooper to take cheap shots at pro-family leaders like Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) — but we don’t expect the same from someone affiliated with a leading evangelical Christian College. Sadly, Grove City College psychology associate professor Warren Throckmorton is becoming a “gay”-affirming activist of sorts in his dubious quest for neutrality (as a Christian) on this divisive moral issue.

Oh, Pete. Sweet, sweet, Pete. Keep trying to make me look like the unreasoned and "mean" one if you want, kid. But you, I, and most everyone who deals with us -- if they'll be honest with themselves -- knows that it really ain't workin' for ya.

Oh, and when defending someone who's been found to have brought a loaded gun TWICE into a state Capitol building? Yea, it's probably best to not accuse her detractors of "cheap shots." After all, it's the potential for loss of life at the expense of an accidentally pulled trigger that many of us find particularly "cheap" and unprincipled!

Why Is Grove City College’s Warren Throckmorton Picking on Sally Kern? [AFT]

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Your thoughts

The Sally Kern gun-slinging story is on every single gay and progressive blog out there today. I think you are his favorite, Jeremy. :)

I know, ew.

Posted by: larry | Jul 24, 2008 4:02:37 PM

Oh I know, Larry -- it's everywhere. And many of them have taken on Sally on a personal level, something I do not not do.

There has been a tone change with Peter in the past few months. And it's not just the "mean" gays who have caught on to it. Other social conservatives have noticed it too. Trust me.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 24, 2008 4:15:36 PM

Now THIS is entertainment - when one homosex-obsessed fundie attacks another homosex-obsessed fundie.

Methinks a sissy fight is around the corner (like the ones we're accustomed to from Alan Chambers and Stephen Bennett).

Posted by: Scott | Jul 24, 2008 4:18:29 PM

Folks, we're accustomed to shallow name-calling from brainwashed fundamentalists, but now an intelligent person is re-thinking his position on a social issue. Why, it's -- it's academic, that's what it is. He must be influenced by that evil, evolution-based scientific process!

Posted by: revtj | Jul 24, 2008 5:52:36 PM

I wouldn't consider someone who makes outrageous statements that disturb society or someone who flippantly takes guns into prohibited areas to be pro-family in any sense. As far as I'm concerned Ms. Kern's words and actions show a lack of discretion and sense. What families in this country deserve is to be supported by people who take responsibility for what they say and do, and as we have clearly seen, neither Ms. Kern or Mr. LaBarbera fit that description.

Posted by: PW | Jul 25, 2008 10:22:29 AM

Congrats on getting referenced Jeremy! You're a freakin' icon these days.

Posted by: GayMormonBoy | Jul 26, 2008 11:43:56 PM

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