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Pro-gay Hyatt, now sans Diego
So this is sort of interesting. In the latest issue of Out Traveler, this Hyatt Resorts ad is running:
You'll notice that at the bottom of the ad, the company has specifically highlighted certain destinations for their LGBT-friendliness:
A nice list, for sure. However, it seems that recent developments on the Hyatt landscape have forced the company to concede that one of these locales is no longer the best place for LGBT travelers looking for fair and equal treatment. Here is how this same ad now appears on Hyatt's LGBT microsite:
As you will see, San Diego is now nowhere to be found. It seems that the owner of the Manchester Grand Hyatt, through his decision to support that flawed, cruel, un-American, someday-to-be-recognized-as-a-great-historical-misstep known as Proposition 8, has managed to knock the entire city (which has two other Hyatt locations) completely off the pro-gay list. Because it apparently only takes one bad egg to ruin an entire city's fair-minded room service!
San Diego Hilton, San Diego Marriot: Now would probably be a fantastic time for you all to offer an "our bedside Bibles are Leviticus-free" special!
**SEE ALSO: Over on Towleroad, Andy is running a story and some photos from a weekend protest of the Manchester Grand Hyatt.
Your thoughts
Lodging is complicated in this regard, because any particular property can have an entirely different: (1) owner, (2) manager, and (3) franchiser. Pro- or anti-gay sentiments can surface at any of these three levels, and as here may actually contradict each other at any single property.
It is very important not to punish the national chain for the actions of a single owner or manager (except to the extent one thinks that the national franchiser has an obligation to involve itself in matters such as Mr. Manchester's bigoted politics).
Posted by: KipEsquire | Jul 21, 2008 10:04:10 AM
Kip: Well the point here is not that we're "punishing" the company as a whole. It is the company itself who, due to the actions of Manchester, have chosen to take the entire city off the list. And that maneuver seems a little weird.
Personally if I was in charge of this national campaign, I would instead try my hardest to show how despite Manchesters' actions, the San Diego area's other Hyatt locations are still pro-gay.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 21, 2008 10:13:20 AM
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