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Video: Marry in CA, honeymoon in the klink
We know that many of those gay couples who head to California to marry are in for a fight when it comes to having those unions recognized in their home state. But are Wisconsin gay couples seriously in danger of JAIL TIME for their happily wedded status?
Well that scenario exactly what some like the Wisconsin Family Council's Julaine Appling are suggesting should happen. This from WKOW-TV:
::sigh:: Don't they know that neither Emily Post nor Martha Stewart say the right to remain silent and to make one phone call are suitable wedding gifts?! Honestly -- etiquette is a dying thing in this nation!
Same-sex couples marrying in California could face prison time in Wisconsin
Your thoughts
I live in Wisconsin and this situation is one of the reasons why I'm really thinking about moving out of this state.
And as far as Julaine Appling is concerned, she can go screw herself with her threat that gay married people should be prosecuted.
Posted by: Sam | Jul 10, 2008 2:55:55 PM
This could be the best thing to ever happen to the gay-rights movement. National coverage of good, family-oriented Christians throwing gay couples (some with children) in jail for getting married. People who may not agree with gay marriage may start thinking, "I may not agree with their marriage, but these Christians have gone too far and want nothing more than to control other people's lives."
Y'know, or something like that.
Kind of makes me want to visit Wisconsin now that my partner and I are married.
Could the people even rise up and try to repeal the Constitutional Amendment in Wisconsin?
Posted by: stojef | Jul 10, 2008 3:02:16 PM
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