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Video: The 'arrogance' of trying to live your life in peace
You know what we find "arrogant"? Standing on a public street corner, loudly foisting your personal faith-based judgements and biases on the community at large and telling anyone who will listen that you have irrefutable evidence that God is soon to destroy this world.
You know what these dudes who are standing on a public street corner, loudly foisting their personal faith-based judgements and biases on the community at large and telling anyone who will listen that they have irrefutable evidence that God is soon to destroy this world, find "arrogant"? Well, see and hear for yourself:
Ugh. Dudes, we're sinning and destroying the world right here in front of you. You don't have to be so damn loud!
Your thoughts
Can someone please do a conclusive study that shows that the most virulent homophobes are the biggest closet cases? It is so obvious. Straight guys just don't think that much about homo sex. Just not on their radar. Now closet cases...... they think about it all the time.
Posted by: HeyBudBoston | Jul 11, 2008 8:04:06 AM
Oh these guys are pigs. They're outside Macy's some nights of the week, preaching their stupidity and sometimes gathering a crowd of even stupider people. They try to intimidate but really they're just a group of ex-cons who found some god.
See what happens when you don't pay attention in school?
Posted by: johnozed | Jul 11, 2008 10:10:22 AM
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