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When we said she's gunnin' for gay rights, we didn't mean it literally!
And now from the "you just can't make this stuff up" file: Notoriously anti-gay Oklahoma Rep. Sally Kern, who gained national headlines for comparing "dangerous" gays to dangerous terrorists, was stopped from entering the state Capitol yesterday after it was discovered that she had a loaded handgun on her person. The AP has more:
Anti-gay OK legislator caught with gun [AP via P1Q]
This is the actually second time such an incident has happened, with Kern actually succeeding in bringing the gun into the building in the first instance. Kern says both instances were mistakes.
But then again, Sally also thinks that homosexuality is a "mistake." So judging by her inability to fully grasp the meaning of that word, we would advise all gays who work in or around the OK Capitol building to tread just a little more carefully. Better safe than being forced to "change" your sexuality at gunpoint.
Your thoughts
So here's a woman who's already demonstrated a limited mental capacity who's packing a .38 cannon? Good Lord! I wonder if she keeps spare clips in her desk drawer just in case she has to fend off those pesky homosexuls.
Posted by: dave b | Jul 24, 2008 10:35:03 AM
Ok, ok...I promise to date women from now on.
Posted by: Emproph | Jul 24, 2008 7:21:52 PM
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