« August 7, 2008 ||
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|| August 11, 2008 »
Knight serves up red herring; we find it cold and fishy
Robert Knight has written a new commentary for Town Hall. The piece is disingenuous. This is the part where you feign shock. The gist: Robert is upset with Washington Post reporter Ceci Connolly because he claims that in a recent...
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Ruling: New Prop. 8 language completely kosher
Casting aside the anti-gay team's claims that the new language is unfair and non-neutral, a Sacramento judge has ruled that Jerry Brown's reworded Proposition 8 can stay as is: Judge Upholds Summary Of Gay Marriage Ban [KCRA] Now if only...
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Attn all struggling businesses: You might wanna piss off the AFA
Oh, so as we've been saying: McDonald's July same-store sales rise 8 percent [AP via AOL Money] So yea, you all keep up the good, effective, society-shaping work, AFA!! That bottom line seems to be utterly collapsing under the weight...
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Gluteus Phelpsimus
Okay, now we've heard everything. This quote from Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper, speaking about how a group of their church members were prevented from entering Canada: "They won’t let us in, but we have a group that will cross in...
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Condolences, the 'ex-gay' way
What's the compassionate thing to say to someone whose partner has passed away from breast cancer? Well if you're the "ex-gay" leader, then apparently blaming your "lesbianism" for causing God to strike your loved one dead is the proper course...
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95 years of 'curing' non-illnesses
Recently 1913 made gay headlines because of the repeal of the law from that year that had previously been used to deny out-of-state gays and lesbians the right to marry in Massachusetts. Well today our pal Jim Burroway finds another...
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AFA comments: Now 20% more alarming
Yesterday we posted some comments that were left on the American Family Association's One News Now site in reference to whether or not California's anti-gay ballot initiative would retroactively invalidate the same-sex unions that have already been performed. But in...
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Your post is 'ridiculous,' says he who ran photo of man licking another's butt
We have a startling admission to make. That is: Peter LaBarbera was actually correct about a fact that we ourselves got wrong. The dealie: Well yesterday, Pete wrote a post in which he defends his recent decision to use explicit...
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