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But then again, anti-gays don't want us to stick anything in the rear
First it was the newly installed, more truthful Prop. 8 wording that set them off. Now the anti-gay side is railing against -- bumper stickers?!
This from One News Now:
Now an unidentified supporter of same-sex marriage has printed bumper stickers that inaccurately encourage people to "Preserve Marriage: Vote NO on Prop. 8."
But a "no" vote on Proposition 8 would not preserve marriage; it would, in fact, allow the redefinition of real marriage to include counterfeit unions between homosexual couples. Attorney Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, represents supporters of the marriage protection amendment.
"This is outrageous deception. It is despicable," says Dacus, "and it just shows how unethical and immoral the opposition is to Proposition 8. This is a desperate tactic that is attempting to confuse the voters."
"It's one thing for the opposition to make their case with commercials persuading people to be against it [Prop. 8] because they favor homosexual marriage and those kinds of things," says the attorney. "But it's another thing to be outright deceptive -- and this is the epitome of political deceptive practices that have no business in any campaign."
Alright, first off: The bumper sticker that's raising their ire is not an official item. It's not the product of a Prop. 8 group. It is a sticker that a random person has created on Zazzle.com, one of those online retailers where everyday people can create whatever they want (within reason). That is what these folks are now railing against -- an everyday citizen's personal art product!
But looking past the sheer silliness of the organized "pro-family" folks war on independent arts & crafts: Where do they get off saying that this sticker is deceptive?! For gay and lesbian couples, voting no on Prop. 8 WOULD realistically preserve our right to marry! Trust me, this is something I know all too well, as I have a California wedding already planned for 4/25/09, with venues and vendors either booked or penciled in. Should this nasty nonsense pass in November, all of my planning will be for naught and my nuptials will be moved to Massachusetts. And why? Because California voters will have not preserved the marriage equality that is currently in place, but will instead have stripped away the bright new day that was in their midst!
If Brad Dacus, he of the reliably ridiculous sound bite, wants to truly talk about things that are "deceptive," "despicable," "unethical," "immoral," "desperate," and "confusing," then perhaps he should look to the side that masks their bias under the "pro-family" veil, refers to discrimination as "preservation," and does things like try to make one's personal online creation look like an official pro-gay sticker. Actions speak louder than hyperbolic words.
'Deceptive' tactics continue to undermine Prop. 8 [ONN]
**SEE ALSO: Here are some of the other types of items you can buy at Zazzle:
Go ahead, AFA: Lash out against the Zazzle user who's misleading the public into believing that Donuts and Bacon are running for POTUS!
Your thoughts
"But it's another thing to be outright deceptive -- and this is the epitome of political deceptive practices that have no business in any campaign."
You mean like distorting the legit work of legit scientists and psychologists, for political purposes, and to dehumanize gay people?
Yeah, those people have no business in any campaign either.
These people are the experts in "deceptive practices" - why the feigned outrage?
Posted by: Scott | Aug 12, 2008 1:18:51 PM
I don't like the bumper sticker because I think it's confusing. I wouldn't want some decent person to think that "no" is the anti-gay vote. And besides, I don't want to take their paranoid sounding message anyway.
I prefer "Keep Marriage Legal"
Posted by: Timothy Kincaid | Aug 12, 2008 1:51:00 PM
But it would preserve marriage. Marriage in CA includes gay couples. Prop 8 is intended to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry, thus altering marriage to remove an entire class of couples from consideration. Voting NO would preserve marriage as it currently exists.
Is it just me, or do the Prop 8 people live in an alternate universe where the supreme court decision didn't happen? It's as if they honestly believe we're in some waiting period, as if the supreme courts decision doesn't "count" until after November. Disagree all you want, but gay couples are getting married. Right now. As we speak. It's totally legal, not kinda legal, not sorta legal, it's legal.
Posted by: Jason D | Aug 12, 2008 1:56:37 PM
"I don't like the bumper sticker because I think it's confusing. I wouldn't want some decent person to think that "no" is the anti-gay vote."
That's a good point, Timothy
Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 12, 2008 2:03:55 PM
"Is it just me, or do the Prop 8 people live in an alternate universe where the supreme court decision didn't happen?"
It's not just you, Jason. It's true and it's scary how willing they are to discredit a branch of government. Not just for gay rights, but for American civics in general.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Aug 12, 2008 2:06:25 PM
It's fun to see them squeal about deception. Don't they see that they're talking about themselves?
Posted by: dave b | Aug 12, 2008 3:12:09 PM
I love how they claim that a bumper sticker made on a make-your-own-bumper-sticker site is deception but they are perfectly fine having their paid signature gatherers stand outside Whole Foods and tell people that they are signing a petition in FAVOR of gay marriage when it was actually a petition for getting Prop 8 on the ballot.
Posted by: ted | Aug 12, 2008 3:30:22 PM
" It's as if they honestly believe we're in some waiting period, as if the supreme courts decision doesn't "count" until after November."
Maybe they are in a waiting period. Perhaps they're waiting for the Rapture to come before November.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | Aug 12, 2008 4:19:07 PM
"Perhaps they're waiting for the Rapture..." I'm not one to criticize someone's sincerely held religious belief, but I think Mike is on to something here and it is disturbing. Just as some evangelicals want to force a war in Israel so it can bring on the end times, I am sure that we have a not insignificant number of people praying for something bad to happen in California so they can point to it as proof of God's displeasure. Much like the comments we heard praying for rain on the Democratic convention. But then we know that many people are receptive to this kind of voodoo politics.
Posted by: Sykler | Aug 12, 2008 4:40:49 PM
On that note, see what you "radical homosexuals" have done. One News Now has eliminated its comments section :D
I tend to think the phony news service doesn't want anyone to know what type of person agrees with its propaganda.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Aug 12, 2008 6:14:50 PM
On that note, see what you "radical homosexuals" have done. One News Now has eliminated its comments section :D
I tend to think the phony news service doesn't want anyone to know what type of person agrees with its propaganda.
Posted by: a. mcewen | Aug 12, 2008 6:14:51 PM
Considering that ProtectMarriage.com has decided NOT to appeal the ballot language, what chance do you really see for Prop 8 to pass? I just don’t see a majority of Californians voting YES on a proposition titled ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES TO MARRY.
Once the churches realize that Prop 8 is an almost guaranteed loser, are they going to do the right thing and let their members know?
If not, what happens after Prop 8 loses by 40-60 (or worse), and then the members find out that the church leadership was privy all along to internal polling that predicted a crushing defeat? Do the members get their money back?
Or do they get stuck paying for ads that were run by a campaign that knew it was going to lose but ran them anyway!
Posted by: Chino Blanco | Aug 13, 2008 3:41:47 AM
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