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Arc of bias still cimbing in Ark

by Jeremy Hooper

_good_as_you_images_gaarkadopt1_2 It looks like a proposal that's designed to prevent gay and lesbians from adopting or fostering children will go before Arkansas voters in November.  Secretary of State Charlie Daniels officially certified the measure on Monday, sending the cruel measure to the state's fall ballot:

Arkansas to vote on gay adoption ban [365]

Offensive to gays, unmarried heteros, and those 18-year-old Arkansans of 2026 for whom this measure will deprive a loving home.  Way to go, Arkansas "family" groups!!

It should be noted that the group behind this new historical pockmark is the same one that was behind the state's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, with both presented under the guise of child and family "protection."  But then again, this is the side who tends to put abstinence-only education above realistic safe-sex practices, so why should we be surprised that their views on protection would be so dangerous?   

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