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Columbus' knights vs. Our wedding days
And now in, "wow, think of all the truly pro-family things one could do with this sort of money" news: The Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, has donated a whopping one million dollars towards California's anti-marriage equality Proposition 8 campaign:
Knights of Columbus Donates $1 Million to Support Marriage in California [KOC]
In reaction, the "Nights of Columbus," a pro-gay fraternal organization that has only existed in the cold recesses of our overactive imagination since the moment we heard about K of C's donation, has already declared the one million dollar gift to be as "dark, stormy, and shortsighted as the most tumultuous evening legs of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria's fateful journey."
Your thoughts
Let's hope the Shriners stick to those burn hospitals, at least.
(Speaking of a good use for a milion dollars...)
This absolutely sickens me. I guess a threat to civilization hardly ever will acknowledge his or herself as such, but I really don't see what me and L'Ailee, or Ellen and Portia, or any other couple has done that's so much scarier than, say, cancer or people losing their homes because of horrible lending practices.
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Aug 21, 2008 11:42:04 AM
Old pig men in silly hats. They tried a letter writing and funding campaign a few years ago against same sex marriage in Canada. That turned out well.
Catholic schools closing, homelessness, poverty, war should be ignored when the pursuit of love and affection and equal rights is much more of a threat.
That sound you hear? 'Jesus' throwing up.
Posted by: johnozed | Aug 21, 2008 12:07:08 PM
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