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Is referencing a dried-up grape in the title politically wise?

by Jeremy Hooper

 Good As You Images  Good As You Images Picture-9-53Country singer John Rich, who made gay headlines last October for likening same-sex marriage to the sort of incestual unions which might exist between an aunt and her nephew, is expected to tonight debut his new tune in support of John McCain, called "Raisin' McCain. Here are the lyrics:

Music and lyrics by John Rich

Well we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the train or get out of the way
We're all just raisin' McCain

And we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the train or get out of the way
We're all just raisin' McCain

Well he got shot down in a Vietnam town
Fighting for the red, white and blue
And they locked him up in the Hanoi Hilton
Thinking they could break him in two

He stayed strong, stayed extra long
'Til they let all the other boys out
Now we've got a real man with an American plan
We're going to put him in the big White House

Well we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the train or get out of the way
We're all just raisin' McCain

Play that American guitar, son
And we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the train or get out of the way

We're all just raisin' McCain
I said we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the train or get out of the way
We're all just raisin' McCain

Well you can get on the train or get out of the way
We're all just raisin' McCain

We, however, suggest a few additional verses:

Well we both are against two dudes marryin'
I once compared it to a boy schtuppin' his aunt Marion
But that doesn't mean that we're anti-gay
Or at least people will believe us when that's what we say

Well we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the fair and equal train, unless you are gay
We're all just raisin' McCain

This Red State/Blue state thing has done us darn good
The Republicans have divided us like a good party should
So why should we vote for an inspiring uniter
When there's another option who's moving righter and righter

Well we're all just raisin' McCain
Everywhere across the USA
You can get on the Obama train if you want an exciting new day
But the rest of us are raisin' McCain
Yea the rest of us are raisin' McCain

Feel free to use them, Mr. Rich.

Raising McCain [John Rich.com]

**If you want to hear if, John Rich has also made the track freely downloadable: http://www.johnrich.com/download.php

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Your thoughts

I heard they made him remove a couple country-typical lyrics from the song - something having to do with "the next best thing to a catfish dinner, is marrying a divorced woman with three daughters".

Posted by: Scott | Aug 1, 2008 11:30:10 AM

I don't know, John Rich looks a bit queer with that mustache and hat thing going on....

Posted by: johnozed | Aug 1, 2008 11:39:23 AM

John Rich, of Big and Rich? I was unaware of this, I will no longer support Big and Rich....they WERE one of my favorites in Country Music, NO MORE!

Posted by: Robert Bayn | Aug 1, 2008 12:09:56 PM

This is a another reminder of why I'm not a fan of country music. Especially if it comes from a artist who doesn't believe in full equality for everyone and doesn't bother to understand the idea of two people who love each other, regardless of their gender. What a dumb@$$.

Posted by: Sam | Aug 1, 2008 12:19:22 PM

Raisin' McCain sounds like one is fighting to stay awake! "We really 'tied on a McCain' last night," would mean, "we were falling asleep during the six o'clock news last night."

Posted by: Dick Mills | Aug 1, 2008 1:26:38 PM

Interesting. Well I guess my love/hate relationship with Country music shall continue...

Posted by: John | Aug 1, 2008 4:50:43 PM

How tragic! I actually liked Big & Rich for their music and even thought that John Rich was quite hot. Then he comes out with that incest comment, follows it up with Nashville Star (TV show that hardly anyone watched on NBC) where he came over as being the biggest tool. Now this! This is the kind of crap Toby Keith would be proud of.

Posted by: Gregus | Aug 1, 2008 9:21:42 PM

A few weeks ago, I got disgusted with Focus on the Family's "pro-family" country playlist and made a playlist of my own, the point of which was to make FOTF supporters blanch. It was my pleasure to include several works from Big and Rich and the MuzikMafia posse. (You can see and hear the playlist at http://crackerlilo.blogspot.com/2008/07/country-music-without-sap.html )

I don't boycott artists based on their political stances, but I do have to say that I have enjoyed Big and Rich's stuff *much* less since last October and don't think I'll be dusting off those CDs yet.

And I still think his sometime collaborative partner Gretchen Wilson is smoking hot and hope she might be bi. ;-)

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Aug 2, 2008 11:53:32 PM

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