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The most trusted name in 'fear quotes'

by Jeremy Hooper

For a bit of time yesterday, this is how the folks at CNN International were announcing the Degeneres-de Rossi wedding on their website:

 Wp Docs 2008 08 Cnnellenmarries

Yes, that's right -- They used the sort of insulting fear quotes that you would expect on anti-gay news sites, as well as the sort of "de Rossi" name-butchering that you would expect from your octogenarian great grandmother. It's just "bad form" all around.

Happily, CNN site writers did fix the fear quoting after the blogger at Chexydecimal corrected them (see below link). But we'll keep an eye out for any headlines implying that the newlyweds' honeymoon is alleged rather than actual.

CNN "Reports" on Ellen Marriage [Chexydecimal]

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

At least it was listed above the boy getting a seat on the garbage truck.

Posted by: johnozed | Aug 19, 2008 9:21:51 AM

Now they've removed the fear quotes AND Portia's name altogether, in favor of the qualifier that they've married IN CALIFORNIA. Because, you know, those wacky Californians allow fake marriage and all.

You're right, this is the type of thing I'd expect from OneNewsNow, not CN-freaking-N.


Posted by: Matt Algren | Aug 19, 2008 10:27:32 AM

Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed that the quick-vote thingie on the CNN International main Entertainment page is "Ellen’s Same-Sex Marriage: Are You Happy for Her?"

Am I being unreasonable or is that all sorts of bothersome?

Posted by: Matt Algren | Aug 19, 2008 10:30:53 AM

"Are you happy for her?"

Are you kidding me?

I knew their marriage would become a battleground for both sides of the political spectrum, but this goes further than even I thought it would go. My opinion of her personal life is quite irrevelvent. But my answer is still, "Yes."

Posted by: Katelyn | Aug 19, 2008 10:17:37 PM

CNN is quite adept at "reporting" the "news," isn't it?

Posted by: Amanda | Aug 19, 2008 10:18:23 PM

My guess is that the CNN International article was sloppily written by someone based out of CNN's London bureau (CNN's main non-U.S. operations are based out of London, Atlanta, and Hong Kong). It has become the norm for UK media to put the word "marry" in single quotes when writing headlines about couples entering into a civil partnership. It might also explain the butchering of the spelling of Ms. de Rossi's name too. I don't see any agenda here, really.

Posted by: George | Aug 19, 2008 10:37:26 PM

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