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Video: Rain turned to thunder; Stuart turns to flippant apologies
Remember that video wherein Focus on the Family's Stuart Shepard encouraged folks to pray for rain on the day of Barack Obama's convention speech? Well Stuart has been forced to respond to the brouhaha generated by said video:
Oh Stuart. You can act like the overwhelming negative attention didn't bother you. You can act like the video was meticulously scrubbed (from FOFs site, from YouTube, and from GodTube) out of "respect" and not embarrassment. And you can act like nobody saw the Olbermann piece (which, in addition to the TV airing, also went viral on the web). However evidence, on all points, suggests otherwise.
But frankly, we're just surprised Stuart didn't spend the video singing that popular "pro-family" children's song: "Rain, rain (controversy) go away, so that I can go back to shunning gays."
Stoplight Mea Culpa [CitizenLink]
Your thoughts
Oh disgusting. He non-jokingly asks his listeners to "pray" for something bad to happen to the Democrats and Obama, and then like an anti-social child who can't admit any guilt, implies that it was all just a silly joke. What an a**hole. No one is laughing. Can you imagine someone representing one of the biggest mainstream gay organizations asking all "the gays" to wish for something horrible to happen to the right wing? Oh wait...they DID get McCain. Our prayers were answered after all.
Posted by: Sykler | Aug 14, 2008 7:34:55 PM
Boy, that must of hurt.
Posted by: Emproph | Aug 15, 2008 4:37:30 AM
...and this guy is supposed to be representative of a loving and compassinate Christian?
Posted by: Brad | Aug 15, 2008 10:30:36 AM
Sorry Stuart - you don't go dabbling in black magic while presenting yourself as a "loving christian", and then try to cover up your tracks while claiming it was all a joke.
Had Obama or somebody in his camp done something similar, you can bet Stuart and FOF would have been shouting "BLACK magic", with an emphasis on the "black" (like their emphasis on his middle name). And I'm sure followed by posters with a pentagram over Obama's face, and other things to accuse him of being Satanic.
FOF can scrub and clean all they want - it won't hide the fact that they're the ones conjuring up black magic and chaos, while trying to stamp the "Satan" label on anyone who's liberal-minded.
Posted by: Scott | Aug 15, 2008 12:46:30 PM
Disgusting, and he thinks it's funny. stupid "christian" fucktard.And Keith Obermann is fantastic, a better example of truth than you, Stuart Shithard.
Posted by: nikko | Aug 16, 2008 2:42:21 AM
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